Wednesday, March 21, 2007

We need a HERO!

(sung to the tune of "We Need a Hero" by Bonnie Tyler)

Where have all the enviro's gone
And why do they not toil?
Where's our energy Savior
To stop our need for oil.

Isn't there some way to stop
this climate change we're in.
Late at night I toss and turn
and dream of his double chin.

(below is the chorus)
We need Al Gore.
We're holding out for Al to stop the heat.
He's carbon neutral
Even in his jets
He just pays for what ne needs.
We need Al Gore.
We're holding out for Al to save us all.
He knows whats right
He's made it his fight
He won't let us drop the ball.

Somewhere in Tennessee
Al's in his fantasy
Somewhere in the ice cores
The fever's coming for me.

Racing in the thunderstorms and rising with the heat
It's gonna take the a special man to stop the rising tide.


When I'm trying to heat my house.
Or when I'm driving my SUV.
I would swear that there's someone somewhere
Watching me.
Through the storms and the heat and the snow
And through the driving rain.
I can feel his approach
Just like a rushing train.


Friday, March 16, 2007

Secretary of Poor

In the latest message to the Edwards faithful, Presidential hopeful John Edwards addressed what he hopes will be a transformational change for the United States.
Global poverty is not only a moral issue for the United States—it is a national security issue for the United States. If we solve it, we begin to create a world in which the ideologies of radical terrorism are overwhelmed by the values of education, democracy, and opportunity. Now that's transformational.

The hell with the U.S.'s poor, Edwards is setting his sights on reforming the world. So how does he want accomplish this?
  • We will launch a worldwide effort to bring primary education to every corner of the globe.
We can't adequately educated our own citizens, yet we want to educate the globe? Actually, now that I think about it, this isn't all that bad of an idea. If we can bring everybody else down to our level of education, our piss-poor public school system won't seem quite so bad.
  • We will invest in preventive health care through clean water and sanitation systems to give poor families a chance at healthy lives.
So giving people a sink and toilet will make them healthy? I know, there are many people throughout the world that don't have adequate sanitary infrastructures, but we're supposed to be the plumbers of the world.
  • We will provide the tools of local entrepreneurship and active citizenry that are the cornerstones of stable prosperity.
And just what the hell does this mean? We'll help them start their own businesses? We're going to jumpstart the economy of all Third World countries? While at the same time reducing our own 'carbon emissions'?
  • And we will create a cabinet level position in the White House to elevate all our national efforts at eradicating poverty worldwide.
And we're going to have Secretary of the Poor. So this will be the person responsible for taking our failed educational policies and inflicting them on their world.

Can anybody say socialism?

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Who needs baseball cards, trade flatulence cards!

Just when I think the global warming idiocy has reached it's peak, the alarmists prove yet again that I just don't give them enough credit (or perhaps too much?).

An Australian-based company, Easy Being Green, will sell you carbon offsets for your pets, your vehicles, and yes, even your own personal, uh, emissions. The money quote:

Company spokesperson Murray Hogarth concedes that the "flatulence cards" fall on the "gimmicky" side of the company's otherwise serious product line, which is designed to help consumers and small businesses address greenhouse gas emissions.

To help everyone become carbon neutral in their personal lives, Easy Being Green offers monthly packages that range from $23.31/month to a whopping $646.04/month.

So go ahead, eat all the beans you want, knowing that your, uh, emissions are taken care of.

Al Gore would be proud.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Tenured Kent State professor - AQ sympathizer?

Mike Adams, criminology professor at University of North Caroline - Wilmington, posted an article on Townhall on 2/28/07, detailing a website run by Kent State professor Julio Pino. As Mike said in his article:

Yesterday afternoon, I logged on to the "Global War" blog ( of Associate Professor Julio Pino – a Muslim convert who teaches at Kent State University. The heading for the site used to read "The Worldwide Web of Jihad: Daily News from the Most Dangerous Muslim in America." Now it reads "Are You Prepared for Jihad?" IN THE NAME OF OBL. 2007: THE YEAR OF ISLAMIC VICTORY!"

This site has now been taken down, but replaced with one by Matthew Hundall, a senior political science major at Kent who calls Pino
"a very open minded person who sees the realities of the world for what they are, and he speaks on what he sees."

Kent State, of course, is attempting to wash it's hands of the whole affair. The Dept. of History chair, John R. Jameson, has refused to return Mike Adam's phone calls. Pino has refused to appear on Fox News to discuss the matter, and refuses to answer Mike Adams' phone calls.

I challenge both Pino and Hundall to renounce violent jihad and Osama bin Laden.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Those Damn Martians!

As if it wasn't bad enough that we're are raping our planet, now the Martians are doing the same thing.
Simultaneous warming on Earth and Mars suggests that our planet's recent climate changes have a natural—and not a human- induced—cause, according to one scientist's controversial theory.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


The cure for terrorism.

U.N. World Food Program chief blast Al Gore/Global Warming

With all the hype about global warming, politicians, actors, and other important people are stepping up to the plate and urging everybody to do something for the children. But the outgoing UN food czar reminds us that the children have been forgotten in all the hype.

Last week, outgoing United Nations World Food Program chief James Morris reminded us that 18,000 children die every day from hunger and malnutrition. Morris called the situation “a terrible indictment of the world in 2007.”

18,000 children die EVERY DAY because of hunger, yet Gore and others are worried about global warming.